.global main main: mov r0, #0x9 // Initialize counter to 9 (r0 will store the counter value) ldr r1, =table // Load the address of the table (r1 will store the table address) ldr r3, =SSD loop: ldr r2, [r1, r0, lsl #2] // Load the value from the table at index r0 (shifted left by 2) // Here, you can send the value in r2 to the seven-segment display driver str r2, [r3] subs r0, r0, #1 // Decrement the counter bpl loop // If the counter is non-negative, continue looping .data .equ SSD,0xff200020 table: .word 0x06 // 1 .word 0x5B // 2 .word 0x4F // 3 .word 0x66 // 4 .word 0x6D // 5 .word 0x7D // 6 .word 0x07 // 7 .word 0x7F // 8 .word 0x6F // 9